What The US Military, Leaders Need To Do Now Is Fix Their Mistakes & Save Their Nation

What The US Military, Leaders Need To Do Now Is Fix Their Mistakes & Save Their Nation

There is a golden opportunity right now for the top US military and leaders to fix their big mistakes last few years and save their nation from natural catastrophe.

– The US Election 2020 was “sold out” to China by some stupid corrupt leaders in the military & decision makers.
– The corona virus pandemic NCOV COVID event was “sold out” too, for there is no way with their intelligence agency that easy non-dangerous virus can become a crazy pandemic like what going on right now in the whole world.

But that is the past, the present moment is much more important, you guys must believe me the real savior Messiah Buddha, and follow this order quickly.

Step 1:
US military catch and declare the whole current administrator as the threat to the safety of whole USA because of COVID vaccine decision. The current Biden administrator are listening to China & EU to make decision about the pandemic, instead of use their own mindset to think and give out the correct strategy to safe American life.

Evidence Example: Just look at thousand year floods in China, European Union (Germany, Belgium). That is no seasonal flood like, but a real signal from heaven, from god and from above beings of how wrong the way that nations are treating their people and handling the virus pandemic.

If the USA do not act now, there could be much more dangerous natural catastrophe disasters event appear on America land like super earthquake, super tsunami, super floods, etc.

Step 2:
Release the letter I have just published today about mechanism of NCOV COVID, the fact the secret of COVID vaccine, the best solution to stop the virus pandemic.

Step 3:
Call for new election with a special rule that the president candidate must not from any political party. While the state election rule still remain, so political parties from each state will vote for candidate in the most fair way.

Step 4:
Welcome to the new era, new world.

That is pretty much a crazy godlike strategy right there.
I do not want to talk about the CCP and China but those actions was desperate move to save their regime because they got some hints from some kind of beings who can see nearby future about the collapse.

If the US military & leaders want to use my strategy, please make sure make a fair amount of donation.
I am much more smarter and more powerful than all kind of religion gods/deities, but I am straight forward and never try to read other thinking & history.
If you want to have more discussion, you guys must open up directly.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

The Recent Floods In Europe & Fire In Frozen America Show How Stupid Their Government Are

The Recent Floods In Europe & Fire In Frozen America Show How Stupid Their Government Are

It is all about the real life result.
Look at the floods damage to Germany, Belgium in Europe, how bad is was?
It make all the floods in Asia last 100 years like a little mosquito bite.

And it is just the beginning of the end for Europe and America.
Instead of educate people, listen to the savior Messiah Buddha, all they are doing now is speculating about how the weather work, listening to stupid beings/entities.

The fire in frozen land of Canada, Russia, USA is crazy, should only exist in fantasy world.

If you look at the photo after the flood in Europe, you will notice that there are a lot of solar panels on the roofs. Then you need to know that in Germany they produce very little CO2, mostly now using electric.
So if the main reason “CO2” bring Climate Change, then why the most damage occur in the nation with the least CO2 but not the way around ?!
You better stop saying “bad luck”.
You must live must fight to save your nation first, not following the stupid “one world order” from any stupid beings/entities/group.

Next, you must stop telling that “law of karma”, stop take the reason like “colonial, invasion” in the past. That is the describe words which solve nothing, help no anybody at the moment.

The main reason Europe and America are the next continent going to vanish and disappear is because of 3 major reasons:
– One is their people and their government too stupid, do not evolve, they have little purpose left of live, here you must take the COVID Virus Pandemic on the media as a serious reason too.
– Two is their land and their living environment area are very bad, the soil is bad, too much machine.
– Three is they are going out first to set the “example” for the rest of the world.

After the month of August, you can say good bye to both Europe and America.
There will be much bigger natural catastrophe mega disaster occur for sure. And then the people of those nations in Europe, America will have to move to Africa and South America (just like what happening the way around), but this time not because of economic reason but is because of survivor reason, real refugees !

Of course there is still little time and one solution left on the table, which is have faith and listen to me the real savior Messiah Buddha. Beside that, there is no option left.

My time, my patience is coming to an end.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha