An Example Of A Real Buddha Power Through A Strategy That Help The USA Clear Debt Within 24 Hours

An Example Of A Real Buddha Power Through A Strategy That Help The USA Clear Debt Within 24 Hours

If you wonder how powerful a real Buddha who have obtain the nirvana state of life is, then I will give a clear example through a some special policies/strategies that will help the United States of America easily clear their debt within 24 hours.

First, I do not really care about the groups holding major gold/silver of the game or who behind the current financial system and their believe about life.

Secondly, I will act as an US President who calling the shot for major policies, plans and strategy to help America remove the trade deficit, debt and truly improve people life in US land, the time line is now, in the year of 2020s (more specific is September 2021).

Analyze the current situation
– Advantage: USA have only the big land and an immigrated nation status.
– Disadvantage: do not holding gold or any natural resources (major source of the current economy), example is many technology devices now require special rare chemicals and metals.
– The majority of the budget is coming from 2 programs: Health Care and Social Security.
Once you can some how clear and remove those 2 programs, the mission impossible is done !

If you treat the United States of America as an corporation, then the problem of that company is they do not have new product to collect new income but keep increase their spending. All what they are doing now is waiting to receive loans from others. You can say they are still using old mindset of living.

Policy 1: Open new states with special rules of living
– Open few small states for each specific group of people such as East Asia, West Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latino.

– Only the constitutions is kept, all other rules from any presidents are forbidden unless the majority of people accept (at least 50%). The new government will make new rules/policies if they want but must receive at least 50% voting from the public.

– Allow the people in that states using duo currencies: US Dollar and their origin home like CNY, VND, JPY, Rupee, etc. Depend on each state and each specific zone.

– Selling slots for anyone who come to join and live in the new zone from foreign countries via local currencies (through auction and limited space). People must be free and have no connection with any national government.

* Here if any national government prevent that to happen then stop accept goods from their country.

Policy 2: Create new type of money called as happiness money/note.
– The new money note will only allowed to send and receive via volunteer way such as donations, tips, not allowed for any kind of daily trading in US land.
Of course you can using that new note buying foreign stuffs if the foreign entities accept it.
An example is for gifts, souvenir.

– People will receive it for free but at in a fair way such as same amount of new note at every year, through draw/random machine, etc.

– Allow people to exchange it to the US Dollar with the exchange rate through random drawing and/or fixed rate, but at some specific time of the year only such as on the birth month of the exchanger.

– All will handled by government official exchange center, all kind of black market exchange it not allowed.

– You must treat it like a real selling product so you must print as many notes as possible from 1 to 1 million.

* Here if want to play politic mind game, then playing the “promise” game to print the useless paper first, issue it to the public to observe, then will promise some future exchange later after various things such as security, fair exchange, etc. are fully completed.

Now for those 2 programs health care and social security.
You can:
– Replace the social security payout rule by give the people the new happiness note with the rate 1:1 with the US Dollar.
Or if you want to “play” then allow people to choose between US Dollar or the new happiness note.
Manipulate the black market that the happiness note value will higher than 1:1 so receive the happiness note will much more “lucrative” than receive the US Dollar.

– Remove entire all the health programs with the reason that the government must treat people all equal, the virus pandemic is showing that the health program is not working because it not preventing anything, most people got mental health, people mostly scare to die because lack of street and money, not because of health. The mask requirement and lock down make people like animals rather than “God” and completely go against the constitution freedom of life.

You can have some “safe landing” policy and very small programs such as:
– Providing free environment for people to heal/cure each others via online internet.
– Free foods for the “sickness” (receive from donation of others and buy at cheap rate from left over good at the markets). Here only provide instant hot meal (not allow to bring home) every day or two.

So that’s how you remove the trade deficit by eliminate over 50% budget over night !

I do not live or ever been to America so not really sure what the current situation in real life.

Above is a very clear road map to truly Make America Great Again.
All now is up to their military and their people.

My solution is harmless because it only about the information, not involve in any kind of trade or military, so you can try it out to see the outcome. You can make announcement about the plan to see the reaction from the people and the world.

But if you do not try but still wait for “miracle”, then it not going to happen and you guys only going to collapse and vanish by natural disasters.

Of course my solution is only free to talk/to make public announcement in secret mode (here is plan from random guys on the internet). If you want to truly implement it, then you guys receive my permission.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Update On Carry Out Plan:
Given the current situation in the US and the world, the best carry out plan now is:
The military arrest the current president Joe Biden for trying to destroy the America with many bad call and stupid policy:
– Leading the America into another war with no end sign, here is the current virus pandemic.
American people cannot afford another kind of war without any clear winning victory, condition and benefit.
– Go against the the US constitution about freedom of choice for the public people.
– The US Government with no money income but endless money giveaway to the public, thus will soon be declare bankrupt and the entire United States nations will disappear at any moment.
– Go against nature way of living, go against science.
The evidence is that human body can generate it on antibody to fight the corona virus, no need for vaccine.
In nature, the more dangerous of the virus the less popular it is. The COVID galore and the death rate is already prove the virus is no worse than any common flu.

For all of that reason Joe Biden must step down, and the new general election will be occur very soon. In the meantime, the people and the public from all around the world can send any advice/tips to help USA to run better for the people (if any of your information/strategy was using you will receive big reward).

Then announce the new happiness money plan and the new special states with duo language/currencies.

After new general election:
– Implement the new happiness money.
– Update the social security program.
– Remove all the health programs with the reasons like I have said and including anything you can come up such as want each state governor take more responsibility, if they want to continue they must find it own way of funds.

Then depend on the situation, the plan of new states can carry out or only in the theory paper for “manipulate” the market ?!

That is pretty much the best possible solution now for the US.
They cannot continue play the roulette game of COVID gambling any more.
And they must try to find out whether it work or not, they cannot continue waiting and using their old theory mindset.

Best Regard,
The Savior

The Next Big Society Evolution Will Help People Understand Meaning Purpose Of Life, Happiness

The Next Big Society Evolution Will Help People Understand Meaning Purpose Of Life, Happiness

Human is made of body, mind and spirit.
Over the last 5000 years ago, what mortal humanity was taught and get educated, helped via various gods deities is only about physical matter of body.
In order for mortal human fully understand meaning of life, what is happiness, there must be next level of education about mind and spirit.

If you wonder why the rich money people often commit various crimes from sexual, using illegal drugs to tax evasion, why people only focus on money but not focus on moral.
It is because they do not know what to do next after get rich money wealth, because that’s all what they know about life through public education.
Of course there is a very tiny group of people was and are searching the meaning of life via various other ways but it is too little, and cannot change the society.

If the rich money people know “give back” money to the poor people then there is no need for so called “socialism system” because the circle of money is fully completely already, but only the one who understand meaning purpose of life is able to do that “non-sense” things, but that is possible if they get well educated about moral about life happiness.

The divine way of life and purpose of government is about “helping” people to fully evolve both physical matter and unseen knowledge wisdom of life.

Without a doubt, the next big society evolution of life is about educate help people to fully understand what is the true happiness, meaning purpose of life and unseen knowledge.

That is a big subject because each people have their own level, own opinion of what is happiness.
If the traditional school only “teach” people about do this do that follow this guide and make money, then the next level of new “happiness” school will be very difference due to each nations have their own belief of teaching “happiness”.

But there is one thing for sure is that your government must address the big issue about lack of happiness education in life, which cause many society crimes.

Then they must appoint a new prime minister of happiness/life happiness/spiritual and start a new chapter, new era of living where people not only learn about make money but they also have opportunity to learn about life happiness, meaning of life (here including many different subjects from longevity to fully decode understand sacred religion teaching to even human super power super ability).

The government instead of telling people what to do, they will now respect and give all others a voice to say, to live the life they want. Then you will see many new town/city/nation with various special laws policies such as only vegan city to non-electric town, to reset life nation, etc.

Of course there will be sacred hidden teaching given to help people not only to live longer to thousand years or more, but only occur in private manner in that secret town/city/nation.

If the current life system is level 1, then the new town/city/nation will be level 2.
If the current government is “control” the system, then the new one is the public people “decide” the system.

All current national government only focus on money and wealth, physical matters.
If they really want to help the public people and help their nation evolve, they must also need to focus on unseen subject about life happiness, meaning of life.

In order to make that happen they must respect the people and ask various questions to “help” the people.

It is a new super gate to the new world, new life on Earth if it get done correctly.

It is a new massive subject and new way of living, new way of education about life.

This article from me the real savior will benefit the smart people smart nation.

Since there is no connection between me and any national government or group, I am not going to waste my time to analyze, to post to share new knowledge about how to run the government to truly help the people via divine way and do the job of I do not get paid for.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Humanity Must Evolve Because The Connection Mechanism Between Human Body & COVID Is Similar To Computer Hardware & Software

Humanity Must Evolve Because The Connection Mechanism Between Human Body & COVID Is Similar To Computer Hardware & Software

The clearest example can help you to fully understand the working connection between human body and the new corona virus NCOV COVID SARS-COV-2 is computer hardware and software.

Here each human body is a separate hardware computer, while the COVID SARS-COV-2 is a “virus toxic” software.

As you can see in the media, the SARS-COV-2 is always “upgrade” and have newer version (more stronger more dangerous) over the time.

There are two kind of major problem can lead to your computer (your body) do not function properly: one is hardware, and two is software.

And the real life virus diseases is also running exactly like that: where the “diseases” you can see with your own eyes and verify is the one with clear symptom such as measles, varicella ; and the second type is the one you cannot see such as COVID, season flu, etc.

If you have computer hardware problem, you must fix it by hardware method, cannot fix with software.
If you have serious software problems, you must fix it by upgrading to “stronger” computer hardware or “reset/re-installed” operation system in completely.
But if for some reason you cannot re-installed the operation system such as do not have original OS driver software, then the only option left is “upgrade” the hardware.

The only software problem can stop your computer running is “overload”.
You need to think COVID like a dangerous application that’s use a lot of hardware resources for whatever purpose from access to many websites to mining cryptocurrency at the same time.

But that’s COVID is smart and always upgrading overtime but the original structure is still come from the old one.

SARS-1: Access to 5 websites.
COV-1: Mining one type of cryptocurrency coin.

SARS-COV-2: Access to 10 websites and mining 2 difference type of cryptoccurency coin.
Then you have other variant type like delta, mu, etc. with stronger one like access to 20 websites, mining 3 type of cryptocurrency coin at the same time.

All kind of vaccine is useless for this type of problem because vaccine is working like an “overclock” hardware one. No matter how you clean your fan or using the bigger fan size, it never be enough for the root problem is because of your hardware computer is not good enough.

The structure of any kind of software are always the same: the original + the plus upgrade.

So if you want to prevent the COVID SARS-COV-2, you must “learn” the original version one first, which is SARS-1 and original corona virus COV-1.
And the only way to really learn and upgrade your human body hardware is direct “hit/breath/live” with it for small amount of time.
By doing that, your human body will know the “original signal” to eliminate the newer version one.

History already told you via Spanish flu is that the only way to end the unseen virus pandemic is archive the herd immunity.

Only stupid idiots beings think using the vaccine that solve the seen diseases measles, varicella like can also work with the unseen virus like COVID, and the result already told you via real daily life.

All kind of tracking, tracing, social distance method are absolutely useless and waste of time because the “malware” COVID not only come from human but can also come from animals, insects, etc.

The same result will occur with the virus COVID SARS-COV-2 event as well.
Unless the whole society obtain the herd immunity through natural human evolution, otherwise there is no end !

Yesterday I have presented the proactive herd immunity strategy already, today I only explain more for you have better understanding of the current “war” you are dealing with (if it is really true like the media said).

Whether it real or fake, I do not really care because I am too strong and able to deal with it !

The only winning condition is defeat the virus head to head, the faster the better, you cannot waiting the unseen enemy come to your house !

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

If Humanity Want To Defeat The COVID & Evolve, They Must Use Proactive Herd Immunity Strategy

If Humanity Want To Defeat The COVID & Evolve, They Must Use Proactive Herd Immunity Strategy

Human body is a miracle of life and strong enough to eliminate all kind of virus if you understand how to using it.

If the COVID can evolve like the media said with many new variants, so the human can evolve as well.

There is more than 1 way to produce “antibody” (or whatever you would like to call) to “defeat” the new corona virus NCOV COVID SARS-COV-2.
What are you seeing on the media about “vaccine” like the only way to “save” you from the COVID is just pure rubbish, stupid method.

There are many thousands different kind of virus in life and many of them was infected human body and got defeated.
Ask yourself, how many “vaccine” you ever taken since you was born ?
Did you take thousand kind of vaccines for each every virus yet ?
No, because of your human body is strong and able to produce “antibody” by it own to fight the virus itself. That’s process called as human “evolution”.

The difference between human immunity self antibody vs vaccine is not the same.
The vaccine made in lab house work like 1 key 1 lock, it do not know how to “upgrade” with new variants.
While the human immunity system work with method 1 key defeat all locks, and able to learn and only need to add small amount of additional ingredients to defeat the new variants type of virus.

The strategy to defeat the new corona virus COVID SARS-COV-2 is using proactive herd immunity method:
– Step 1: Select “strong, healthy” humans via various metrics.
– Step 2: Let’s that group “live, hit, breath” with the SARS-1, original corona virus.
– Step 3: Direct head to head battle with the new COVID or SARS-COV-2, to produce it own antibody via various environments testing.
– Step 4: Observe the “conditions” and groups to see which one is the fastest way and.
– Step 5: Let the people know, back to normal life.

That is the proactive herd immunity strategy you should be use now.
The difference between proactive and passive strategy is very clear and you can see the different by yourself.
The passive herd immunity let’s the people “live” and “die” on it own, while the proactive way will let’s the strong people go first then “share” the reward “antibody” with the weaker one.

If you treat SARS-COV-2 as a level 2 virus, then the level 1 virus is SARS-1 and original corona virus.
By fighting/live with the level 1 virus, your human body will able to adapt and produce it own antibody with much effective way for higher virus.

All kind of COVID vaccine are pure stupid and undermine the power of human body.
The more you use vaccine, the more stronger the virus become.
Just like some “worms, insects” can “defeat” the pesticides in farming agriculture.

Having your COVID vaccine does not mean you are “safe” from COVID.
The only right and correct way to know who is really “safe” from COVID is let’s them “breath”/fight with COVID and see whether they are fine or not (2 weeks is enough).

The bigger picture beyond the COVID event is promoting healthy life style and diet to the public.
Most people now are eating too way much and beyond what they really need (most adult people should only eat less than 1/5 amount of foods).
The strong, healthy person must be the one eat less but still able to do the same amount of work.

Example: only drink pure water in 24 hours, to only eat 1 kg of fruits/vegetables to whatever other kind of diets.

Overall, the proactive herd immunity method is the best strategy now to end to COVID SARS-COV-2 event. This special method work not only for the COVID pandemic but will work well for any other future virus pandemic as well.

If your nation or you group want to use my strategy, don’t forget to receive my permission and license.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

The Fastest Way To End The Virus Pandemic Is Using The North Korea Strategy, Policy & Environment

The Fastest Way To End The Virus Pandemic Is Using The North Korea Strategy, Policy & Environment

It is such a waste of time to debate about corona virus NCOV COVID, lock down restriction, vaccine, because they are too obviously a scam.
But if you want to end that stupid event, you must observe and use what available data you have in the game.

Which nation do not have NCOV COVID?
The only nation is North Korea.
Why that shit can happen, you must analyze it carefully and follow that trace.

– Is that because of their “godlike dictator” government or the socialism system?
No, many other nations have better than that.

– Is that because North Korea is a paradise nation with the God blessing?
No, just look at the life expectancy of their people, much lower than many other nations.

– Is that because of the North Korean people living so great and have some secret?
Give me a break, their daily life is no greater than the rest of the world.

– Is that because of the media?
Well maybe yes or no, but can you “prove” it and let the rest understand is completely another question.

So what made North Korea is the only one nation do not have COVID?
It is because of their technology is “outdated” just enough for using, where you only phone and text via 2G mobile network.
You do not see people using 3G, 4G or 5G mobile network to access social media, chit chat via various apps on the street.

That is the only big difference between the North Korea vs the rest of the world.
Their living environment is “better” since do not have harmful ingredient to human health like big mobile network 3G 4G 5G.

Now the question is do your national government have gut to accept that fact and have some real life experiment to end the NCOV COVID virus pandemic event or not, that is another question too.

Because they only know their own secret, they still really trying to kill the people through this event, most likely they are having animal mindset and blind follow some kind of “super” deities/beings.

To me the COVID do not exist and all virus is easily to deal with.

So the quickest road way for you to end this crazy stupid pandemic and fight against the stupid “cabal” people is to post/share a question of “why the North Korea do not have COVID?” to your friends, families, groups.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

What The US Military, Leaders Need To Do Now Is Fix Their Mistakes & Save Their Nation

What The US Military, Leaders Need To Do Now Is Fix Their Mistakes & Save Their Nation

There is a golden opportunity right now for the top US military and leaders to fix their big mistakes last few years and save their nation from natural catastrophe.

– The US Election 2020 was “sold out” to China by some stupid corrupt leaders in the military & decision makers.
– The corona virus pandemic NCOV COVID event was “sold out” too, for there is no way with their intelligence agency that easy non-dangerous virus can become a crazy pandemic like what going on right now in the whole world.

But that is the past, the present moment is much more important, you guys must believe me the real savior Messiah Buddha, and follow this order quickly.

Step 1:
US military catch and declare the whole current administrator as the threat to the safety of whole USA because of COVID vaccine decision. The current Biden administrator are listening to China & EU to make decision about the pandemic, instead of use their own mindset to think and give out the correct strategy to safe American life.

Evidence Example: Just look at thousand year floods in China, European Union (Germany, Belgium). That is no seasonal flood like, but a real signal from heaven, from god and from above beings of how wrong the way that nations are treating their people and handling the virus pandemic.

If the USA do not act now, there could be much more dangerous natural catastrophe disasters event appear on America land like super earthquake, super tsunami, super floods, etc.

Step 2:
Release the letter I have just published today about mechanism of NCOV COVID, the fact the secret of COVID vaccine, the best solution to stop the virus pandemic.

Step 3:
Call for new election with a special rule that the president candidate must not from any political party. While the state election rule still remain, so political parties from each state will vote for candidate in the most fair way.

Step 4:
Welcome to the new era, new world.

That is pretty much a crazy godlike strategy right there.
I do not want to talk about the CCP and China but those actions was desperate move to save their regime because they got some hints from some kind of beings who can see nearby future about the collapse.

If the US military & leaders want to use my strategy, please make sure make a fair amount of donation.
I am much more smarter and more powerful than all kind of religion gods/deities, but I am straight forward and never try to read other thinking & history.
If you want to have more discussion, you guys must open up directly.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

The Winning Goal Condition Against The Royal Group Is Defeat The Current Money System

The Winning Goal Condition Against The Royal Group Is Defeat The Current Money System

You must understand the enemy, the winning goal condition if you want to win the war.
Many so called patriots, white hat, good guys, etc. are either wasting their time or not smart enough to even know the winning condition.
In fact, many of them still in trap of the Babylon system, still want to “control” others, that is why even though they are promoting various things but still “censored” my message/information !

I am freaking tired, bored and will go offline soon.
All I am doing now is give out some information for the true patriot who think “everybody is equal” to wake up and have opportunity to defeat the royal families group, the cabal, the stupid beings who think “people must worship gods/deities”, who think “they are the chosen one”, etc.

Do not waste time to catch corruption, the bad guys, for that is not the final winning goal, there are endless bad case bad people in this world because of the system.
The only winning condition is shut down the current monopoly Babylon money system.
Shut down here mean at least take 50% proportion of the system, since there is always low and high level people in life. Low level people will prefer Babylon system, while the more awakening people will prefer the individual capitalism one.

The example of the new one which able to defeat and compete with the current money system I have provided and give example already.
All you need to do is implement it, promote it so the public can understand how stupid is that to let a few group of people decide how the money is distributed, instead of giving fair to all.
But at the same time, you must educate people about what is the Babylon system, why there is big gap between rich and poor.

If you want more message, more information then you guys need make some donation to me and ask question for any doubt you have.

Without communication and donation, I have absolutely no reason to spend time, energy to write article and share knowledge with you guys.

Do not blind follow any group ask you follow without give you specific detail and strategy to win the war. Most of you are wasting time and do not know how to win game !

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha