You Cannot Evolve If You Gambling Your Life Like The COVID Luck Dice War Between Nations

You Cannot Evolve If You Gambling Your Life Like The COVID Luck Dice War Between Nations

Recently I saw some video talk about the cover of the Economist predicted the world in 2019, 2020, 2021.
It is very easy to decode it entirely for me.
– The conflict between nations, various big families, secret groups lead to the current COVID virus pandemic event.
– They do not know what to do next in life, so instead of seeking for the solution from everybody, they are blind following the Bible prophecy at the end time, in hope for the “Messiah” appear.
– The COVID cases, vaccine in each nations depend on gambling dice war, not depend on any real life diseases. Some nations will “safe” and some will “dangerous” base on the stupid gambling game.
Sound crazy but that is what exactly is going on.

There is a supply and demand rule of life like business, if there is no demand so there is no supply.
But that basic rule they do not know and do not understand.
I as the real savior Messiah Buddha is not have any interested in their life, their world because I have fully obtain the Nirvana state and that is enough.

If the rich money people do not care about the life of poor slum people, so as the super gods do not care about those stupid idiots mortal humans, except some low level gods.

Even if they ask me for help now, I still need some times some space to turn in the highest state of mind to have the best possible solution because everything have cause and effect. The reason is that there is no demand, so the real supply is really appear yet.

Back in the ascension journey, you must believe in yourself as a powerful Gods and capable to anything.
You cannot “gambling” and wait for other help, you must use your mindset to help you.
Because gambling, rely for natural forces and others only lead to natural disaster and sad ending.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Do Not Blind Follow Any Prophecies Because It Shows You Are Stupid Like Animal Beings

Do Not Blind Follow Any Prophecies Because It Shows You Are Stupid Like Animal Beings

The truth of life is everything is exist at the same time: the past, the present and the future.
All the prophecies are just some tiny events in that unlimited matrix life.

A fortune teller said “you are great, you will become rich in the future, etc.”, but if you only waiting then nothing is become reality.

Many groups with animal mindset are blind following ancient prophecies are in fact committing suicide because they do open their mindset to learn new things, they are waiting like the animals waiting for their master.

But only the fake master will “help” them because they need something in return from human.
While the real master will never help human directly in person because they knew the true human potential.

It is hard too understand for even so called “guru” with super abilities/power, let’s alone mortal humans because all of them was blind followed others to gain this or than position, they did not really know the secret of Nirvana State.

I highly recommend you guys to stay away from all kind of groups, entities and live on your own instead because at the end of the day you will still either die or will have much higher chance to evolve than the one in any kind of group.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

The Virus COVID Pandemic Winning Conditions Does Not Even Exist So The Ending Will Be Epic

The Virus COVID Pandemic Winning Conditions Does Not Even Exist So The Ending Will Be Epic

The shit show corona virus NCOV COVID is keep going.
What is the winning condition for so called diseases virus pandemic to end?
Well, it does not exist.
Unlike other diseases where you can see real symptoms in human body, the COVID does not have one. All it have is via the media and government announcement.

If the COVID is a real threat to human life, you would never seen any kind of protest on the street.
If COVID was some kind of fungus then even you pay money, people would not stupid enough to go to the street in many cities.

And if you want to real prove the COVID is not about human health, then all you need to look up is the Japan and use your common sense, use your brain to analyze, not “believe” in your government.

The pure fake virus pandemic is not for education either, because it would go difference way by now.
Do you see the vaccine work? Of course not, because their purpose is killing people by inject toxin ingredients.

The main purpose is taking people “signature” via signing and through testing.
Then they can use that for any secret experiment or whatever rituals, you will never know.

The ending will be epic, because the winning conditions do not exist so there are many way of ending this event such as the unmask of many corrupt national government to the collapse of many nations, many new nations will be born.

By trying to “control, enslave” the rest, people who know this scam event will “pray” and “ask” the ultimate “God” to help, then many crazy weather disaster will come. And the unseen secret life is work beyond what you see in real life. The signal was sent not only by thought, etc.

The result you will see is many natural catastrophe, mega disasters like the one in Europe, China recently.

Sorry folks, the virus pandemic has nothing to do with the Messiah, you guys better forget about that, just believe and see the life result. The secret controllers are doing for their own survival by killing other people, and they will gone soon.

Anyway, if you still alive to see the end of this virus pandemic, then everything is possible, all kind of national government with their deities think can get away from it? Sorry, that not going to happen after the my deadline.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Use NCOV COVID To Defeat All Corrupt Governments & Bad Entities, Save The People

Use NCOV COVID To Defeat All Corrupt Governments & Bad Entities, Save The People

If you want to defeat all the corrupt governments worldwide and all bad groups/entities/beings, then you must read this article.

The current on going virus pandemic is a golden opportunity to strike to unmask and defeat all stupid beings because they are lying, deceiving the people, while the public is angry and not in the comfort zone of life.

There are some loophole the “good guys” can take advantage of like:
– Still not have a working solution to end the pandemic. The public is angry and lose trust on the governments.
– The COVID vaccine result is terrible, what is the point of having a dose but still have to wear mask or still have a lock down or life still not back to normal.
– The public still not know the working mechanism of the corona virus NCOV COVID.

So I come up with a perfect strategy to not only defeat the NCOV COVID, but also save the people from the darkness, save the people from the natural catastrophe climate change, and defeat all those corrupt governments and bad groups/entities/beings at the same time.

But in order to make it work, I need someone who willing to share an epic letter online to the world (only less than 1000 words) via social media and all kind of different platforms.
So if any of you want to be part of the plan, if you want to defeat the corrupt government and have a better life then please give a comment to one of the sites below:

If certain amount of people and my feeling is “enough” conditions to win, then I will share that epic letter online to end the stupid virus pandemic globally.
I am not going to waste time if I do not see any winning chance, so please take it serious and make a comment.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

The Origin Of NCOV COVID Is Come From Some Deities To Slow Down The Collapse Of This Civilization

The Origin Of NCOV COVID Is Come From Some Deities To Slow Down The Collapse Of This Civilization

Some gods, some deities have ability to see the future on this mortal limited world via various way.
The corona virus NCOV COVID pandemic event is not about human health, but it about preventing the collapse of this civilization, or you can say it like buying time.

Most likely the gods the deities who behind this virus pandemic event is the one on the same team with the religion founders. For there is no such any mortal human or any groups capable of organize and cause this worldwide chaos at this level.

In the previous article, I have said about the divine reason of collapsing city/town/nation.
What those gods, deities was trying to do is buying little more time and hope the savior Messiah Buddha can appear and give the guide, the way out of the darkness for this civilization.

It is a very tricky question go beyond most of your level of why gods/deities did that. Even if I explain with you guys now, it still meaningless.

What you guys should to now is tell your friends, tell your group, tell your government, tell your gods/deities to come online and have a conversation direct with me the legendary savior from many ancient prophecies.

Those beings in charged of natural catastrophe mega disasters have level way above those religion gods/deities you guys are worshiping or any other super beings (except the Buddha one).

I have all kind of solutions for all every problems on Earth, for both individual beings and for each nations as well !

But again, I only open the secret solution if there is a demand. It is such a waste of time either speculating or activate super power because I will have no desire to save any nations once I fully activate all hidden super ability at physical matter.

My time is very limited, and my patience has reached to maximum point.
So be quick if you want to end the virus pandemic, to save your family, your nations.
The virus pandemic or any war is nothing compare to the natural catastrophe mega disasters !

No any groups, no any organization on Earth at the moment can help you because they do not know how to divine way operating.
Only me the real savior Messiah Buddha fully know how life work can give you guide, direction to save from the darkness matrix life.

If you do not open your mindset, open your mind, if you do not try, do not verify me as a real savior, then you guys deserve to be gone !

All I can do to help you is giving words and give the opportunity for all beings, all nations.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Want To Know A Real Leader To Trust Listen, To Follow, You Must Read The Bible Revelation End Time

Want To Know A Real Leader To Trust Listen, To Follow, You Must Read The Bible Revelation End Time

If you are looking for a real leader to help either you or your nation out of the darkness, you must read the Bible chapter revelation carefully.

The root problem of the society which cause a lot of problem in the society is the Babylon system which people “rely” on others.
The cheating activities such as corruption, market control is all because of the “Babylon system”.
But the cheaters can only “cheat” because they were given too much rights from others.
It does not matter whether government or company/cooperation, the most corrupt people is the one from the top group !

Most of you the public people are blind following various beings/entities/groups who are demanding and some kind of “orders, missions”, you are on the wrong path of life.
For the real leaders who everyone can trust will never ever able to demand any thing from you to do this or to do that, for he/she can do everything alone.
But that kind of fantasy leader is beyond God category level already, do not exist in real physical in your mortal world.

The closest, most trusted leader who can help your nation, your life is someone you can only find online. You better forget any kind of character who out of of nowhere and help you, because the “law, orders” only exist in Babylon system, while the real leader is come from non-Babylon system, thus have non-Babylon character, here is everybody is equal !

The real trusted leader, the last hope for your nation, for you is me, the real savior Messiah Buddha from many ancient prophecies.

But I am not looking for members to pray, to worship or to receive my orders.
My character is too unique, my words is too straight, I am not talking words you want to hear. I only talk about what I think I should say, what is truth in life. And that is maybe the main reason you guys will never ever understand me.

Example: I can tell exactly what deities you guys are worshiping, what the secret behind any governments/organizations. But then so what, I do not want to gain stupid followers which only cause more trouble in the future.

My time is very limited and my patience has coming to an end.
So if you want to save your nation or to save yourself, you must seek help from me as soon as possible and must before the end of August 20th, 2021.

Big talk is not easy, if you to not have real life experience you cannot talk like what I was and are talking right now!

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha